Doktora Tezleri


Name-Surname Thesis Title Advisor Year
Erhan ASLANOĞLU An Analysis of foreign direct investments and economic growth an application on Turkey A. Suut DOĞRUEL 1996
Ester RUBEN Comparative advantage in Israeli manufacturing industry Nazım ENGİN 1998
İbrahim ÖZTÜRK The Rise and fall of Japan's developmental institutions A. Suut DOĞRUEL 1999
Sumru ÖZ Interactions between market-driven economic integration and growth: Foreign direct investment and convergence A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2005
Rıfat Barış TEKİN Exchange rate pass-through in prices of internationally traded goods: New evidence from Turkey Nazım ENGİN 2005
Ercan SARIDOĞAN The econometric analysis of the relationship among the investment, saving and growth in Turkey and selected Latin American countries Nesrin SUNGUR ÇAKMAK 2006
İbrahim Mahmut TEKÇE The competitiveness of Turkish agriculture in the context of European economic integration Fatma DOĞRUEL 2006
Zeynep Güldem ÖKEM Micro and macro aspects of health economics in Turkey Fatma DOĞRUEL 2007
Yasemin ÖZERKEK Employment dynamics of the largest industrial firms in Turkey (1980-2006) Fatma DOĞRUEL 2008
Fatma DİDİN SÖNMEZ Integration and growth: the role of huma capital and technology A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2008
Ertan ERSOY The determination of long-run real exchange rates under an alternative theory: The case of Turkey M. Nedim SÜALP 2008
Tuna Abdullah DİNÇ Appropriate technology and productivity differences: two models based on differences in skill endowments Erhan ASLANOĞLU 2008
Emin KÖKSAL Regulation and competition in telecommunications: The case of network neutrality A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2008
Aslı ŞEN An analysis on the political economy of trade policy making: Domestic, international and supranational factors Nazım ENGİN 2009
Burcu YAKUT ÇAKAR Comparative analysis of poverty and inequality Fatma DOĞRUEL 2010
Burhan Can KARAHASAN Dynamics and variatıon of regional firm formation: The case of Turkey A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2010
Miriş Meryem KURTULMUŞ KIROĞLU 'Global production networks' in automotive industry: The case of Turkey Nesrin SUNGUR ÇAKMAK 2010
Zeynep Deniz DERVİŞEN Skilled and unskilled labor efficiencies in Turkish manufacturing industry (1992-2001) A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2011
Fazıl KAYIKÇI Is current account deficit sustainable in Turkey? A macroeconometric approach Aysu İNSEL 2011
Hüseyin KAYA The relationship between the term structure of interest rates and the macroeconomic variables: The case of Turkey M. Nedim SÜALP 2011
Mehmet BABACAN The role of institutions and governance in international trade Fatma DOĞRUEL 2011
Sevil ACAR Natural resource abundance and its impact on development prospects Fatma DOĞRUEL 2011
Esra ÇEVİKER GÜRAKAR Institutions and economic development: An analytic narrative approach to Turkish and Iranian cases Fatma DOĞRUEL 2011
Mesut KARAKAŞ An analysis of behavioral aspects of economic agents in Turkey Aysu İNSEL 2012
Bilge ERİŞ Educational mismatch and overeducation of college and higher degree graduates in Turkey: 2008-2011 Aysu İNSEL 2013
Pınar DENİZ Consumer confidence in dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model Erhan ASLANOĞLU 2014
Burcu DÜZGÜN ÖNCEL How good is your health? Theoretical explanations and micro evidence from Turkey on socio-economic status & health nexus A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2014
Umut GÜNDÜZ Politically connected firms and business performance in Turkey: Top industrial enterprises and privatization of the energy sector M. Nedim SÜALP 2014
Gülçin Elif YÜCEL A comparative analysis of quality competition in manufacturing exports based on intra-industry trade A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2014
Serkan DEĞİRMENCİ Labor demand in the Turkish manufacturing sector Fatma DOĞRUEL 2015
Suna GÖNÜLTAŞ The impacts of entry modes selection of a foreign firm on the host country A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2015
Fahriye YILDIZ Demographic transition and economic growth: Current approaches and applications Fatma DOĞRUEL 2015
Adem GÖK The role of governance on inward foreign direct investment A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2016
Engin DURAN The impact of housing wealth on consumption in Turkey: A panel data analysis for 2004-2013 period Nesrin SUNGUR ÇAKMAK 2016
Gülşah ÖZŞAHİN Trade, foreign direct investments, research and development, human capital and technology diffusion in Turkish manufacturing sector A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2017
Jemberu Lulie MEKONNEN Growth volatility and spillovers in the face of openness: An empirical analysis for Sub-Saharan Africa A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2017
Zühal ÖZBAY DAŞ Wage inequality in Turkey: Is labor market polarized? Fatma DOĞRUEL 2017
Ofeliya SOFIYEVA Investigation of the Phillips Curve for Azerbaijan economy: 2006 – 2014 R. Barış TEKİN 2017
Hakkı Kutay BOLKOL Analysis of regional income convergence in Turkey A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2019
Bahar SUNGURTEKİN HALLAM Global shock transmission mechanisms-the case of emerging markets A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2019
Wondwosen Getaneh EJIGU Structural change, total factor productivity and economic growth in developing countries A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2020
Umurcan POLAT Essays on divisia monetary aggregates and monetary policy Pınar DENİZ 2020
Altan BOZDOĞAN Skill biased technical change and wage inequality: Evidence from Turkish manufacturing sector A. Suut DOĞRUEL 2021
Lina BAROKAS Essays on credit default swap market: Time series predictions with machine learning Sadullah ÇELİK 2022
Oğuz TUTAL Impact of climate change on agricultural production and yield in Turkey Fatma DOĞRUEL 2022
Cemil Faruk DURMAZ Embodied technology flow: Investigation of a missing link Burcu DÜZGÜN ÖNCEL 2022
Aynur YILMAZ ATAMAN An analysis of energy structure of Turkey Fatma DOĞRUEL 2022
Ekrem KILIÇ Post-crisis changes in capital adequacy regulations for market risk: The impact of BASEL IV İ. Mahmut TEKÇE 2023
Zeliha SAYAR Three essays on monetary policy Hurşit GÜNEŞ 2023
Yavuz YUMRUKUZ Scenario generation of credit risk stress testing for Turkey as an emerging market R. Barış TEKİN 2023
Serap BÜLBÜL Economic conditions and voter turnout: An inquiry for new aspects Ece Handan GÜLERYÜZ 2023
Gizem ACET DÖNMEZ A study on measurement and proximate causes of poverty: The case of Türkiye Bilge ERİŞ DERELİ 2023
Hande Kul GELAL A causal mediation analysis on education, wages, and post-school investment Burcu DÜZGÜN ÖNCEL 2024

Bu sayfa İngilizce İktisat Bölümü tarafından en son 13.12.2024 17:14:20 tarihinde güncellenmiştir.